
<b>Object and purpose of research. </b>This paper discusses exhaust gases of marine power plants to understand how performance and functionality of a catalytic neutralizer depend on the configuration and operational conditions of engine. <br><b> Subject matter and methods.</b>This paper discusses catalytic neutralization peculiarities of exhaust gases by porous permeable catalysts to mitigate the toxicity of emissions. <br><b>Main results. </b>It was found that the counter-pressure of a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) filter depends on the number of its treatment stages and on diesel RPM. Comparative tests were performed for different configurations of catalytic neutralizers (one, two and three stages of exhaust gas treatment by porous permeable SHS filters) removing solid carbon particles from the emissions of a 3D6 (6Ch 15/18) diesels with different full-load curves. <br><b> Conclusion. </b>The test data outline design prospects and possible applications of catalytic neutralizers for treatment of marine diesel exhausts by porous SHS materials

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