
The purpose of this study is to find out a way for lexical educational application of frame semantics. It would look for a nexus between frame semantics and lexical education, and weigh up the teaching & learning practice for inquiring the lexicon’s validity in newspaper texts. To accomplish this purpose, this study investigates the concept and the inquiring principles of the lexicon’s meaning of frame semantics at first. Frame semantics aims to inquiry the lexicon’s meaning focusing on the frame which is an integration of the human’s conceptual background knowledge. The inquiring principles are specified by steps for “motivation of the meaning and frame”, “trigger words and evoked frames”, “frame elements and profiling”, “intention awareness from the frame”. And then, this study looks for a nexus between frame semantics and the valuable lexical using education. The educational contents of the valuable lexical use is categorized to “understand systemicity of the lexicon”, “utilize appropriateness of the lexicon use”, “be aware validity of the using lexicon”. It could set the ways to construct educational contents of the valuable lexical use based on frame semantics responding with inquiring principles of frame semantics to each category. Those are “inquiring the meaning and relations of the lexicon based on the frame”, “inquiring foregrounds and backgrounds of lexical meanings utilizing the profiling of frame elements”, “inquiring the value and ideology of the world originated in the lexicon from finding out intentions of the lexicon’s frame”. At the end, this study makes the teaching & learning steps and following learner’s performing activities for inquiring the lexicon’s validity in newspaper texts. From this practice, it could confirm the authenticity of the lexical educational contents for learners to understand a newspaper text, to search trigger words and analyzing frames, to be aware an intention of the newspaper text. This study has a meaning to draw up the lexical educational plan to cultivate the critical awareness for the world represented in the lexicon.

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