
Abstract Purpose of the study is to analyze the operation of a mechanical system with the introduction of electrodynamic and elastic components into it to ensure that the operating modes of the latter go beyond the resonance modes. The tasks of the research involve the synthesis of the mathematical apparatus with the subsequent formation and analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the specified system. Research methods. The methodological basis of the work is the generalization and analysis of the known scientific results of the dynamics of systems in resonance modes and the use of a systematic approach. The analytical method and comparative analysis were used to form a scientific problem, form a goal and formulate research objectives. When creating empirical models, the main provisions of the dynamics of systems were used. The results of the study. Considering that the dynamic properties of the system depend on the presence or absence of an elastic connection of the transmission line, a combined system was subjected to research. Since it is impossible to obtain an exact analytical solution of the obtained system of nonlinear differential equations, the solution was carried out on an electronic model with harmonic excitation. Based on the results of studies on an electronic model, using the MatLab computer modeling system, it is difficult to establish the influence of the ratio of various parameters, with their possible variations in a large range, on the behavior of the system itself, since a question posed in this way will require a significant amount of computer time. Therefore, a study of the system with harmonious excitation in its linearized form was carried out. Conclusions. A mathematical model of the functioning of a system with electrodynamic and elastic coupling under harmonious excitation has been formed. On the basis of the research carried out, the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the system was built, with the help of which the correspondence of the results of the solution of the electronic (reference), built on the basis of MatLab, and the analytical models was established.


  • Purpose of the study is to analyze the operation of a mechanical system with the introduction

  • elastic components into it to ensure that the operating modes

  • latter go beyond the resonance modes

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Technical and technological aspects of development and testing of new machinery

Сільськогосподарська техніка та обладнання: прогнозування, конструювання, випробування ð3îäè÷íèõ êîëèâàíü íàâàíòàæåííÿ 3 ò. ä. âêëþ÷åíî åëåêòðîäèíàì3÷íèé çâ’ÿçîê ïî-. Ùî íå ðóéíóoòüñÿ 3 ìîæå îä- o àíàë3ç ðîáîòè ìåõàí3÷íî¿ ñèñòåìè ï3ä íî÷àñíî âèêîíóâàòè ôóíêö3¿ çàïîá3æíîãî ÷àñ ââåäåííÿ äî íå¿ åëåêòðîäèíàì3÷íî¿. Äî öèõ ïðèñòðî¿â â3äíîñÿòüñÿ òà ïðóæíî¿ ñêëàäîâèõ äëÿ çàáåçïå÷åííÿ ã3äðîäèíàì3÷í3 ìóôòè òà òðàíñôîðìàòîðè, âèõîäó ðåæèì3â ôóíêö3îíóâàííÿ îñòàíïîðîøêîâ åëåêòðîìàãí3òí ìóôòè, åëåê- íüî¿ çà ìåæ ðåçîíàíñíèõ ðåæèì3â. Äëÿ ðîáî÷îãî ä3àïàçîíó øâèäêîñòåé, ùî äîñÿ- ôîðìóâàíí íàóêîâî¿ ïðîáëåìè, âèçíàãàoòüñÿ â3äïîâ3äíèì âèáîðîì ìàñîâèõ õà- ÷åííÿ ìåòè 3 ïîñòàíîâêè çàäà÷ äîñë3äæåíðàêòåðèñòèê ñèñòåìè òà ¿¿ æîðñòêîñò. Êàë3í3í, 2016; Êàë3í3í, 2018] òà âïëèâó ì3÷íî¿ ìóôòè êîâçàííÿ; 3 – âåäåíà ÷àñòèçì3íè ïåðåäàòíîãî ÷èñëà íà äèíàì3÷í3 õà- íà (3íäóêòîð) åëåêòðîäèíàì3÷íî¿ ìóôòè ç ðàêòåðèñòèêè ìîá3ëüíîãî åíåðãåòè÷íîãî ìîìåíòîì 3íåðö3¿ J2, äî ñêëàäó ÿêîãî âõîçàñîáó [Âåéö, 1976; Àëåêñååâà, 1982]. Ïðîòå â îñòàíí3é ÷àñ ñïîñòåð3ãàoòüñÿ ïðóæíîãî çâ’ÿçêó; 4 – ïðóæíèé çâ’ÿçîê; çíà÷íà çì3íà ñòðóêòóðè òðàíñì3ñ3¿ ìàøèí ç 5 – ðîáî÷à ìàøèíà ç ïðèâåäåíèì ìîìåíïîñòóïîâèì âêëþ÷åííÿì äî íèõ åëåìåíò3â òîì 3íåðö3¿ J3

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