
The scientific article presents the results of a study of the coefficient of water use of pepper and eggplant crops when watering in various ways. Water agriculture consumes a large amount of water. In order to save water supplied to agricultural crops, effective irrigation methods are used. The water use of crops varies and depends on various indicators. Pepper and eggplant cultures obtained as a result of research work are among the most commonly grown crops. In recent years, these crops have been drip-watered in an open field and greenhouse. In the research work, pepper and eggplant cultures were grown through seedlings in an open field, they were systematized and watered drip. Before determining the water use coefficient of vegetable crops, their total water use and average daily water use are determined. Total water use and average daily water use of pepper and eggplant crops were low in the drip irrigation variant. It was found that the height of vegetable crops in the drip irrigation variant was higher than +4+5 cm. In the variant of systematic irrigation, the coefficient of water use of vegetable crops was 40 m3/c in the corner, in the variant of drip irrigation-21 m3/c, in the variant of drip irrigation, this indicator was below 20.8 m3/c in the corner, in the variant of drip irrigation-11.2 m3/с. In the drip irrigation variant, the water use coefficient of crops was lower than 9.8-19 m3/c (47-52%).

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