
The search for new mechanisms of crop growing modernization was initiated by post-Soviet change of the socio-economic formation, rejection of the virgin-land holistic principle of organizing agriculture with its wheat invariant, as well as transition from the extensive zonal system to adaptive landscape and precision agriculture. Above all, this refers to agricultural landscapes of the forest steppe zone of North Kazakhstan, which is the oldest region of the country’s dryland farming. The article deals with a relevant direction of agrolandscape research – geoinformation agrolandscape mapping with the use of aerial photography materials from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The aim of the work is to prepare optimal cartographic support for effective agricultural production in light of agricultural intensification in the region and depletion of natural fertility resources. Modern methods of geoinformation agrolandscape mapping have been used, their effectiveness is shown through the example of key areas. The features of the landscape structure of outlier forest steppe agrolandscapes have been identified with the help of utilitarian agroecological typology of land; the types of basic geoinformation cartographic materials to be used in precision agriculture have been defined. We consider it possible for the agrolandscape mapping experience to be extended to other farms of the region, which would ensure productive agricultural management.

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