
The article analyzes some theoretical and practical issues of improving the quality of performance of the concertmaster and student, which is caused by the tasks of vocational training and the requirements that occur in the field of contemporary music pedagogy regarding joint musical and creative activities of the student and the concertmaster. It is noted that the high level of ensemble culture allows the performers to find effective approaches in their practical activity. The necessity of interrelation of ensemble preparation of the concertmaster and the student with the general psychological, pedagogical and methodical preparation that promotes the solution of peculiar creative problems. It is proved that a clear awareness of the differences in the specifics of solo and joint performance, which is one of the leading principles of acquiring the accompanist required ensemble skills and knowledge. The issues of history, theory, techniques related to the features of ensemble performance: musical knowledge culture, personal qualities, problems of interpersonal interaction, creative balance. The conditions that ensure the quality of the joint performance process are defined. The corresponding professional and personally-significant qualities of the performers, whose presence provides productive work are characterized: artistic thinking, professional orientation, musical abilities, a single auditory perception of a musical work, taking into account the specificity of a musical instrument, quality, communicative qualities. The main stages of working together on a musical work are identified. It is noted that competently work of the concertmaster with the student should become the basis of successful concert and competition performances. It is concluded that the exchange of experience between the concertmaster and the student, a joint creative search for the disclosure of the artistic content of a musical work greatly enriches their personalities, broadens their worldview.

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