
The modern state of economic relations is such that political, financial and economic instability, caused, first of all, by the sanctions policy of a number of European states and the USA in relation to Russia, forces business entities to make constant decisions in conditions of uncertainty, and instability can lead to bankruptcy. Currently, bankruptcy is the only tool that allows citizens and individual undertakers to legally liquidate existing debts. The aim of the research is to study the process of organizing electronic bidding in bankruptcy proceedings and assess its cost-intensiveness for organizers. The subject of the study is the work of organizer of electronic bidding at all stages of its implementation. The authors have identified the stages of this procedure, the forms of its implementation. As a result, based on the analysis of existing practice and expert evaluations of specialists in bidding, the methodology for calculating the costs of time spent by the organizer of the bidding, as well as their average cost depending on their complexity was proposed.

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