
Abstract. Within the article, the sources of water pollution of Ukraine as a result of the intensification of agricultural activities in Ukraine are systematized and substantiated, adjusting measures on water use to prevent the deterioration of water quality, negative consequences of irrational use of water resources by the agricultural sector are considered. It is argued that deterioration factors of the hydrosphere state as a result of the agricultural sector can be significantly reduced by using the following actions: combination of crop production with animal production, which eliminates the problem of waste, promotes more efficient use of the fodder use; circulating water supply system, in which the used water after cleaning is not discharged into the environment, but is used repeatedly; local seeds for crops production and local breeds in animal husbandry; bans or restrictions on the use of the plants’ protection products insanitary zones of the water supply sources; limiting the maximum rates of the pesticides consumption, frequency and timing of their application in organic production; drip irrigation; collecting rainwater for irrigation from built in own reservoirs; cultivation of agricultural crops that are suitable for the climate; practicing a mulching system to preserve moisture in the soil; actual functioning of water protection zones along rivers and water objects, reduction of water losses during transportation to water consumers, creation of artificial reserves of underground water due to filtration losses near bulk reservoirs and main channels, which should increase the productivity of water intakes, etc. It is determined that for the introduction of rational waterconsumption and water use in long term, the improvement of the environment quality is possible by greening the needs in order to eliminate the deformed value system. The pace, structure and culture of the consumption should be formed in accordance with ecological restrictions, reducing the load on the ecosystem, balanced consumption, finding a balance between the economic well-being of the current generation and the availability of quality water resources for future generations

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