
The research aims to substantiate the trends of ensuring the transformation of pedagogical education in the context of actively addressing the discourse of expanding the multidimensional partnership of segments of the educational system at the level of the municipality and the region. The paper considers the aspects of construction, functioning and development of educational ecosystems studied as one of the priority areas of modern education; identifies the relevant formation tracks of a regional ecosystem of the innovative territorial educational cluster, describing the experience of the Rostov Region pedagogical community in the context of understanding the “plots” of interaction between the Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (branch) of RSEU (RINH) and the subjects of the general education system among other things. The research is novel in that it substantiates the factors that form the “growth points” of the higher pedagogical education system in the aspect of the content-related and sense-bearing and organisational-methodological components of the functioning of innovative educational ecosystems. As a result, the authors have presented their own vision regarding the possibilities of developing ecosystem cluster models for building an integral educational environment, which act as productive drivers of strategic initiatives of the modern educational policy corresponding to innovative pedagogical trends.

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