
The purpose of the article is to calculate the potential for energy independence of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine based on the sustainable development principles. Research methods. Among the methods used: abstract-logical (to determine the essence and mechanisms of ensuring energy independence of economic systems and the agro-industrial complex); economic and statistical (for analyzing the potential of renewable bioenergy in order to form energy independence); comparative analysis (to determine the institutional contours of the priority of the use of renewable bioenergy in the formation of energy independence of the agro-industrial complex). Research results. The area of agricultural land is calculated, which will ensure the cultivation of the required amount of crop and livestock products for food consumption in accordance with the norms of the physiological needs of the population of Ukraine in basic nutrients. The analysis of the export of agricultural products by commodity groups was carried out and the calculations of the amount of agricultural land required for its provision were made. The volume of gross international reserves and the trends of their formation in dynamics from 2009 to 2020 are analyzed. Scientific novelty. The world volume of corn production, corn export by the largest producing countries and the share of its processing for biofuels were investigated. Studied and systematized the foreign experience of the USA, Germany, Brazil, Czech Republic, China, India and other countries-producers of biofuel, which use as raw materials sugarcane, corn, sugar beet, corn silage, animal husbandry and crop waste. Practical significance. The formation of the structure of sown areas under energy crops with high rates of bioenergy yield from one ton of raw materials and one hectare of sowing has been carried out, as well as the calculation of the possible volumes of production of such energy in Ukraine. The number of livestock of farm animals husbandry is given, the volume of animal waste generation in Ukraine and the potential for biogas production from manure are calculated. In addition, it was found that the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, without a threat to the food security of the state and export potential, has the ability to provide energy independence of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and the state as a whole.

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