
Improving the quality of managing the technical condition of military equipment is achieved by maintaining the required amount of operational military equipment, the time it is used for its intended purpose, and the timely recovery of military equipment under conditions of combat actions. The article develops recommendations for the design of repair and recovery bodies while managing technical condition of military equipment based on an improved technique for determining and adjusting the optimal frequency of military equipment maintenance. The proposed structure of repair and recovery bodies has to meet the following requirements: to ensure performing the assigned tasks by troops, through maintaining military equipment in serviceable condition and its timely recovery; to perform recovery work in the field with minimal time outlays, expenses of efforts and resources; to be equipped with high-performance, advanced versatile equipment that meets the conditions of its application; by constant readiness to perform functional tasks in accordance with their purpose; the possibility of echeloning with preservation of technological independence; the ability to perform their functional tasks in any conditions and at any time, with minimal non-productive time outlays; the availability of appropriate tactics of application, functional purpose and place in the operational forming-up of communications and command and control troops. The proposed recommendations allow to develop a new structure of repair and recovery bodies, separately for each case of their application depending on the type of combat actions and the situation in which military equipment is used for its intended purpose, as well as to eliminate failures in the process of management of military equipment in the process of managing the technical condition of military equipment under conditions of combat actions, that will allow to increase the efficiency of management and ensure effective organization of the process of managing the recovery of military equipment.

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