
Formation of personality as a socio-cultural and professionally significant part of society occurs mainly in the educational environment. Project-technological culture is a personal growth. For future teachers of special disciplines this ability is an indispensable component of professional and pedagogical activity, as training in vocational education institutions is aimed at training specialists in the working professions, and the content of training is based on the principle of polytechnism. Training of future teachers in the field of woodworking in institutions of higher pedagogical education is based on the combination of pedagogical technologies with scientific, industrial and innovative based on pedagogical regularities.In our research objective regularities and a complex of didactic conditions of process of formation of project-technological culture of future teachers of special disciplines of a woodworking industry are determined, which is carried out through the interrelation of conditionality, formation, development, actualization, and effectiveness. The regularity of conditionality characterizes the process of formation of the project-technological culture subject-subject character of relations; innovative approach to pedagogical projects, technologies and content of educational programs; interconnections between educational and industrial structures.The regularity of formation considers the process of formation of project-technological culture as a phenomenon of professional development of personality and is manifested by its key component, developing in the conditions of dynamic educational and industrial relations in the process of continuous education. The regularity of development is associated with the fact that all components of the project-technological culture and the levels of their formation are subject to constant changes in the socio-industrial, personal and educational aspects.The regularity of actualization of the project-technological culture occurs with different intensity depending on the changes occurring at the previous levels of education of students, as well as depending on changes in the experience of social and industrial activity of students.The regularity of performance is associated with the method of forming a high level of the project-technological culture of the future teacher of special disciplines. Key words: project-technological culture; regularities of the pedagogical process; formation of personal qualities; future teachers of special disciplines; vocational education.

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