
The object of the article is antinomy in Russian artistic culture, which manifested itself in the main oppositions: “up” and “down”, “male” and “female”, “living” and “dead”. The subject of the research is the variations of the fundamental principles with ambivalent semantics in modern poetry. The material for the article is a new poetic book by the modern writer D. Mizgulin "Along the Edge of Being". At the center of cultural-philosophical and onto-hermeneutical analysis is the interaction of the phenomenal and the noumenal, the rational and the metaphysical in poetry. Much attention is paid to the problem of the metaphysics of creativity, its apophatic side in the Russian cosmo-psycho-logos, which is of great importance for understanding the ontological issues of writers' creativity. The research methodology is reduced to a holistic hermeneutic analysis aimed at highlighting the cultural potential of this poetic book, studying the axiological and ontological value of antinomies in modern verbal culture. Much attention is paid to the comparison of poems within the book, the analysis of its structure, as well as the national topic, without talking about which it is impossible to perceive Russian literature in a holistic way. The results of the work may be of interest to literary historians, who include literature in the space of a large dialogue of cultures, and can also be used in teaching courses in cultural studies and Russian philosophy.

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