
The study aimed at identifying the relationship between postpartum depression and social support among Arab women in the Negev region. The correlational descriptive approach was used to investigate the research questions. A 301 women who gave birth at least once responded to the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale and the Social Support Scale. The results showed that (57.8%) of the sample had depressive symptoms above average, the social support was moderate as viewed by the participants. In addition, the study revealed differences in postpartum depression due to the gender of newborn child in favor of females; number of births in favor of the fifth and over; and the economic status in favor of (medium) and (low). Moreover, childbirth type in favor of (natural); differences in social supports due to the gender of the child in favor of males; number of births in favor of the third birth; economic status in favor of (excellent); type of childbirth in favor of (cesarean). The results showed negative relationship between postpartum depression and social support. The study suggested several recommendations.

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