
The article is conducted research on the development of creative industries in Ukraine. The study period was from 2013 to 2021. At that time, the rapid development of the creative industry was observed in Ukraine. This is due to the fact that the state is gradually moving from an industrial model of economic development to a creative one. It covers many types of economic activity that directly or indirectly participate in it. IT, scientific research, education, tourism, hotel and restaurant business, medicine and many others use in their activities elements of creativity, a non-standard approach in the process of creating additional value of products or services. On the other hand, the acceleration of the development of creative industries contributes to the development of the territory due to the emergence of new business ideas that are translated into a real business project. This affects the improvement of the socio-economic standard of living of the population of the territory. Marketing research should show which types of economic activity directly related to creative industries can be used as a basis for rebranding territories in the post-war period. For their development and sending, the tools of territorial marketing should be chosen, which will be the most effective and efficient. The method of dynamic analysis, which allows determining the speed and intensity of development of types of economic activity, was chosen as a tool in the research. According to the results of the study, the types of activities with high, medium and low rates of development in Ukraine as a whole were determined. The second stage of the study was to determine the speed of their development according to individual socio-economic indicators during the study period. This approach makes it possible to form an approximate profile of the territory. The final stage is the determination of the tools of territorial marketing, which should be used for the development of the territory through creative industries. When building a marketing plan, it is also necessary to take into account territorial features: demographic, ethnic, psychological, economic, social.

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