
The article presents the experience and results of the work of the compensatory type Kindergarten No. 7 teachers with children with autism spectrum disorders on the use of art-pedagogical technologies in practice. 97 preschoolers with disabilities are brought up in this Kindergarten, and 15 people have autism spectrum disorders. All kindergarten preschool children with autism spectrum disorders are integrated into groups of compensating orientation for children with severe speech disorders, taking into account age characteristics. Education and training of preschool children in this category is complicated by violations of their social interaction, scattered attention, backwardness of large and small motor skills, increased excitability and exhaustion, impulsivity and short temper. They do not know how to obey group rules for a long time, listen to and follow instructions, bring the work started to the end, and achieve a certain result. In working with preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders, teachers see prospects for correcting and compensating for violations in the development of artistic and creative activities. The tasks that are solved in an educational organization using methods of artistic and creative habilitation are to develop the child’s personality; develop and correct emotional and volitional processes, reduce fears through isotherapy; create conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials and tools; create an emotional atmosphere that will engage children with autism spectrum disorders in artistic activities. Teachers in their work rely on scientific theories that confirm the validity of the practice of isotherapy, on the results of scientific and applied research in this area, as a result of artistic and creative habilitation, contact was established with every child with autism spectrum disorders (100%). Children have a desire to engage in artistic and creative activities (100%), many began to respond adequately emotionally in various situations of interaction with adults and peers (65%), show empathy for other children (40%), decreased anxiety and fears in new situations of interaction.

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