
The article considers the results of application of scientific-research practical technique on new pre-treatment of seeds of plants of annual types of clover and amaranth of fodder with growth stimulator hydrothermal nanosilicon (GNA) in combination with sulfur-containing mineral water. Earlier, numerous tests showed the effectiveness of the use of GNA to increase the yield and growth rate of agricultural plants: amaranth, zucchini, onions, spring wheat, sugar beets, etc. Silica nanoparticles increase the growth rate of microorganisms, including pathogenic ones, which allows reducing the time for diagnosing antibiotic resistance of pathogen microbes. Hydrothermal nanosilicon has high biochemical activity, high penetration rate into plant seeds, high sorption capacity due to silica particle size and their surface area up to 500 cm2/g. There are no toxic substances in the prepared working solution of the plant growth stimulator, which makes the proposed pre-treatment more environmentally friendly and bioavailable for seeds, in particular, to endosperm and intensify the germination process. The essence of the studied procedure was that the seeds of clover and amaranth were soaked in a 0,005% solution of hydrothermal nanosilicon dissolved with sulfur-containing mineral water during exposure for 30-40 minutes before sowing, as a result of which the efficiency of the stimulator was increased, the possibilities of hydrothermal nanosilicon were expanded, which made it possible to reduce the costs of pre-treatment of seeds. The obtained data make it possible to conclude that nanosilicon of hydrothermal origin in combination with hydrogen sulfide mineral water is a stimulator of plant development at the germination stage and can be used to reduce labour intensity and costs for pre-treatment of seeds, increase efficiency and expand the field of application in the technology of production of biomass of clover and amaranth in field-agro-production of North Ossetia.

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