
The article deals with one of the essential problems of the aesthetic education of younger generation. The development of aesthetic feelings of primary schoolchildren depends more on the choice of optimal, multifaceted and concentrated and influential on all personal qualities of a student by means. It is noted that one of these means is the influence of various types of art and reality, which is reflected in it in a certain way, on students, their holistic interconnection in the system of aesthetic education.It is also noted that, unfortunately, in our time, the practice of aesthetic education is far behind the scientific and educational and social level of the schoolchildren’s development, which creates certain difficulties in solving the problems and harmonious development of the individual. Thus, the relevance of the topic is to identify and develop the effective methods of influencing of art and reality on the development of aesthetic feelings of primary schoolchildren.The aim of the article is to highlight the psychological and pedagogical and cultural conditions of development and implementation of these methods into the educational process of primary schoolchildren.The methodological basis of the research is the thesis about the dialectical connection between the art and reality and its influence on the social and psychological development of the individual. It is noted that works of art integrate in themselves various directions of aesthetic development of reality, and therefore have multifaceted opportunities for the formation of ideals, feelings, thoughts, aspirations.Focusing on mastering of different types of art, the school system of aesthetic education uses the traditional three main types for studying: literature, fine arts and music. The choice is traditionally justified and argued. But, according to research, the greatest effectiveness is achieved in the bilateral interaction of art with reality. And it is more widely achieved in the extra-curricular and extra-lessons forms of educational work.In the context of this interaction, the peculiarities of the art influence on the aesthetic development of a schoolchild are revealed depending on personal general development, the level of education, engaging a certain kind of art, etc. The content and conditions of pedagogical management of developing aesthetic perception of reality through certain kinds and genres of art are revealed. Pedagogical means and methods which develop the aesthetic activity of primary schoolchildren are described.

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