
The paper describes the experiments on evaluating the effect of complex additive based on shellfish flour on the physiological state of sturgeon fingerlings, which were conducted in the laboratories of Astrakhan State Technical University. Feeding was conducted with starting and productive feedstuff, according to branch standard recipes. As crab flour contains a large amount of protein, 10% fish flour was substituted for the complex additive. The experiments were conducted in reservoirs with temperature control. Evaluation of the cultivation results showed that in the pilot group the mass of Russian sturgeon fingerlings was higher than in the control group, using preventive additives that contributed to the correct growth of skeleton. In the pilot group the number of species with symptoms of scoliotic illness was lower, while in the control group this figure was relatively high. Evaluation of physiological state revealed the positive effect of complex additive on the blood characteristics of reared fingerlings of Russian sturgeon. It should be pointed out that in general physiological parameters of fish were within normal standards, however in the control variant there were signs of anemia, hemoglobin was registered at the lower range limit. Whereas for the fish fed with preventive feedstuff this factor was slightly increased. Biochemical analysis revealed higher concentration of protein in fish grown on feedstuff with complex additive. There was recorded a different amount of fat in the flesh of Russian surgeon fingerlings: in the species fed with preventive additive it was 14.1, while in the species of the control variant it was relatively higher - 16.7. The liver of fish who received food with complex additives was morphologically consistent with the norm and had a homogeneous granular consistency, with no signs of fat accumulation in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. The liver of fish in the control group had a loose consistency and mosaic color, with distinct fatty dystrophy. Thus, the biologically active food additive has had a positive impact on the growth and evolution of Russian sturgeon fingerlings.


  • The paper describes the experiments on evaluating the effect of complex additive based on shellfish flour on the physiological state of sturgeon fingerlings, which were conducted in the laboratories of Astrakhan State Technical University

  • As crab flour contains a large amount of protein, 10% fish flour was substituted for the complex additive

  • Evaluation of the cultivation results showed that in the pilot group the mass of Russian sturgeon fingerlings was higher than in the control group, using preventive additives that contributed to the correct growth of skeleton

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КОМПЛЕКСНАЯ ДОБАВКА НА ОСНОВЕ МУКИ ИЗ РАКООБРАЗНЫХ В КОМБИКОРМАХ ДЛЯ ОСЕТРОВЫХ РЫБ. Эксперименты по оценке влияния комплексной добавки на основе муки из ракообразных на физиологическое состояние молоди осетровых рыб проводили в лабораториях Астраханского государственного технического университета. А. Комплексная добавка на основе муки из ракообразных в комбикормах для осетровых рыб // Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. В связи с этим необходимо было оценить эффективность влияния комплексной добавки на основе муки из ракообразных на рост и развитие молоди осетровых рыб. Методика исследований Исследования по оценке влияния комплексной добавки на основе муки из ракообразных на физиологическое состояние молоди осетровых рыб проводили в лабораториях Астраханского государственного технического университета. Оценка рыбоводно-биологических показателей выращиваемых рыб показала, что среднесуточный прирост рыб, потреблявших комбикорм с добавкой, был на 6 % выше, чем в контрольном варианте, выживаемость молоди также была достаточно высокой при использовании комбикорма с комплексной профилактической добавкой Через 30 суток температуру воды постепенно повысили до 25 °С, далее устанавливали постоянную температуру 28 °С, после чего было отмечено, что в контрольном варианте стали появляться экземпляры с признаками искривления позвоночника, в то время как в опытном, где рыбы потребляли профилактический комбикорм, такое явление отсутствовало

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