
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of an integrated approach to the implementation of measures for the restoration and modernization of housing stock and heat supply objects. On the conditional example of heat supply of a heated quarter (which means a small number of residential buildings to be heated, a local boiler room and local distribution heat networks), various modernization options are considered: separate thermal modernization of buildings, modernization of heating networks, modernization of the boiler room, and options for simultaneous modernization of all elements of the chain: production-supply-consumption of heat energy (complex modernization of the heated district). It is proved that precisely a comprehensive modernization, which involves a simultaneous production, coordinated in terms of time and volumes, supply and consumption of heat, is an effective instrument for improving efficiency in the sphere of heat supply and heat consumption. The complexity of modernization in this example involves thermal modernization of buildings in the heated district (with a decrease in heat consumption by 40%) with the simultaneous modernization of heat transmission networks (with a decrease in heat loss when supplied from 20% to 5%) and modernization of the boiler room (with an increase in the efficiency quotient of boiler equipment from 88% to 93%). The implementation of such a project is economically feasible for all participants: consumers reduce the cost of paying for heat supply services by 49%, and the supplier and producer of heat with a slight (up to 6%) increase in heating tariffs provide break-even activities and receive a larger investment resource in the form of a larger amount of depreciation. At the national level, the proposed mass complex modernization of heated districts can almost halve the consumption of natural gas by municipal heat and power engineering and to the same extent reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the amount of subsidies from the budget for the payment of housing and communal services by the population.

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