
The article reveals all management problems in the education system related to the instructor’s communication with students. Pedagogical communication is a means of implementiation of the content, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences aimed at the formation of a specialist. Through the expressive side of communication, the instructor infects the students with his attitude to science, arouses a lively interest in it. That is why the instructor and the student are direct participants in pedagogical interaction. Both business and interpersonal relations are established between them. Their cooperation in real interpersonal contacts is the social environment in which the formation of the personality of a specialist with higher education and the further development of the instructor’s personality takes place. It is in pedagogical interaction that each of them finds conditions for their own personal growth. The form of pedagogical interaction is pedagogical communication – verbal or non-verbal contact – «the luxury of human communication» (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). Pedagogical communication contributes to the transferring to students the moral, national, civic values, and therefore it forms the student's spiritual world and presents a model of his future professional behavior. In order for pedagogical communication to be constructive, it is necessary to possess a psychological and pedagogical culture of communication. The organizational and management center of pedagogical interaction in the process of communication is the pedagogical position of the instructor: understanding, recognition and acceptance of the student. In order to successfully implement these positions, one must have pedagogical observation, empathy and psychological insight, possess the skills of active listening and the technique of asking questions, and use «I am the message». His ability to be a full-fledged subject of his own scientific and pedagogical activity and to develop the student's subject potential is often considered synonymous with the instructor’s professionalism. The task of developmental education is to help the student become a subject of educational and professional activity, a subject of self-development. Because of this, the instructor must make a special effort to organize pedagogical interaction, which is based on subject-subject relationships, determines the effectiveness of his pedagogical activity and promotes the development of the subjectivity of all participants in the pedagogical process. The concept of polysubject interaction is used to analyze this phenomenon. Communication based on the principle of subject-subject interaction requires the following qualities from each participant: to perceive the interlocutor as an individual with his own needs and interests; show interest in the partner, sympathize (empathy) with his successes or failures; to recognize the partner's right to disagree, to his own opinion, to choose behavior and responsibility for his choice. Adherence to this principle makes it possible to establish sincere, trusting relationships between instructors and students. It also makes it possible to correctly (politely, tactfully, courtesly) make remarks to the student, help him see his own mistakes, give him advice as to further self-improvement of his behavior. The relationship between instructors and students is characterized by a complex structure, the components of which are: motivational (interest in a partner and the need for a relationship with him; cognitive (perception and evaluation of the other; reflection on relationships and awareness of their difficulties; ideas about optimal relationships); emotional (satisfaction with existing relationships; mutual evaluative attitudes of partners; feeling of psychological security, comfort or tension, anxiety); behavioral (type of relationships and style of pedagogical communication; manner of behavior in a conflict situation; means of adjusting relationships and mutual influence). Key words: pedagogical communication, styles of communication, communicative act, psychological-pedagogical culture, psychological barrier, didactic communication, pedagogical interaction, the structure of interactions.

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