
The analysis of pragmatic characteristics of linguistic means, manifesting democratic and authoritarian styles of pedagogical communication, is carried out. The material of the research was the original scripts of the feature films "Dead Poets Society" ("Society of Dead Poets", 1989) and "Mona Lisa Smile" ("Mona Lisa's smile", 2003). The following research methods such as conceptual analysis, interpretive analysis and pragmassemantic analysis were used. The aim of the work is to study the pragmalinguistic characteristics of pedagogical communication styles. The topic of the work seems to be relevant, since, on the one hand, there is an increased interest of linguists in the study of various aspects of pedagogical discourse, and on the other hand, pedagogical communication styles have not been sufficiently studied from a pragmalinguistic point of view. The democratic and authoritarian styles of pedagogical communication are considered. It has been established that each of them is characterized by a certain set of means, manifesting democracy and authoritarianism at the pragmalinguistic level. The revealed speech acts allow to characterize the communication styles of teachers as democratic or authoritarian. As a result of the analysis of the factual material, markers of the democratic and authoritarian styles of pedagogical communication were revealed. It was found that the democratic style of communication is manifested with the help of speech acts that perform an inspirational (inspirational) function, such as praise, imperatives (calls for value-related actions), declarative (proclamation of certain values); through a speech act of advice as well as a joke. The markers of the authoritarian style of communication include directive speech acts (warnings about punishment, bordering on a threat, requirements for compliance with established rules, orders, prohibitions, recommendations) and a speech act of teaching.

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