
Currently, the current legislation of the Russian Federation includes provisions that allow to implement the possibility of choosing the best, most reasonable options for fire protection. In particular, it is proposed a new type of fire barriers - curtain walling. Similar designs on the territory of the Russian Federation are not applied. To assess the possibility of implementing curtain walling: § the choice of acceptable test methods confirming both the required scope of application of curtain walling and the actual fire-technical characteristics of structures and filling materials is carried out; § there were suggested materials to fill the curtain walling and carried out tests according to the method of determination of thermal radiation incident heat flux, confirming that the critical density of the incident heat flux is not achieved; § the choice of the design scheme of curtain walling is carried out, and also the tests for fire resistance confirming providing with the offered design of the required limit of fire resistance are carried out. According to the results of the work it was found that the proposed design of the curtain walling provide the required level of fire safety protection facilities through the introduction of innovative solutions corresponding to the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of fire safety. In order to eliminate the need for large-scale expensive tests, it is proposed to introduce methods for the extended application of fire test results, which will significantly expand the possible scope of such structures and will allow to implement the most effective options for fire protection, taking into account the optimization of material costs for fire safety.


  • The current legislation of the Russian Federation includes provisions that allow to implement the possibility of choosing the best, most reasonable options for fire protection. It is proposed a new type of fire barriers — curtain walling

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