
The research was conducted in 2014-2017 in the department of selection of fodder, grain ears, and industrial crops in the fields of scientific crop rotation of the Institute of Fodder and Agriculture of Podillya NAAS of Ukraine. A collection of 114 hexaploid specimens of different ecological and geographical origins was used as research material. Six varieties of winter triticale of different ecological and geographical origin and the manifestation of valuable economic features were used in crosses according to the scheme of full diallel analysis: Polovetske (UA0602494), Amos (UA0602627) originating from Ukraine; Kapryz (UA0601781), Tsekad 90 (UA0602066) - Russia; Dubrava (UA0602222) - Belarus and Pawo (UA0602555) - Poland. Only the best plants, which did not lag in growth and were normally developed, were selected for hybridization. The obtained generation F0 was sown in 2016, and generation F1 – 2017 manually in an experimental field with the same depth, which provides plants with the same area of nutrition. After full maturation, the plants were also collected manually in sheaves, structural analysis was performed on the main indicators of productivity. The frequency and degree of manifestation of positive transgressions in hybrids of the second generation (F2) of winter triticale were evaluated based on productivity: productive bushiness, number and weight of ear grains and grain weight from the plant. The best hybrids by degree and frequency of manifestation of positive transgression are selected. The degree of transgressions in productive bushiness averaged 65.3%, frequency - 43%; number of grains in the main ear - 7.4%, frequency - 15.3%; weight of grain in the ear - 13.8% at a frequency of 27, 7%; weight of grain from the plant - 91.5% with a transgression frequency of 52.7%. The best hybrid combinations of winter triticale on the basis of "productive bushiness" - Polovtsian / Caprice and Dubrava / Polovtsian (Tc = 100%), the maximum frequency of transgressions on this basis - hybrids Polovtsian / Caprice / Pawos and Pawo are selected and offered for use in the selection process. TC = 60); "Number of grains from the ear" - the maximum degree of transgressions was found in the hybrid Pawo / Polovtsian (Tc = 18.1%), the maximum frequency - in the hybrid Caprich / Pawo (Tch = 40); "Ear grain mass" - Pawo / Amos (Tc = 37.0%), the highest frequency of transgressions - in hybrids Amos / Dubrava and Kaprikh / Pawo (Tch = 50); "Grain weight from the plant" - Polovtsian / Amos (Tc = 37.0%), the frequency of transgressions - hybrids Polovtsian / Amos and Polovtsian / Caprice (Tc = 85%).

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