
Arabic Abstract: تقدم الباحثة نموذجا مقترحا يتضمن بنود محددة لابد و أن يستوفيها عضو هيئة التدريس عند التحضير للمحاضرة النظرية المرتبطة بالمشروع العملى، بحيث تكون مكتوبة بالكامل داخل النموذج و بها جانب اساسى عبارة عن مقارنات تمثل الرابط بينها وبين المشروع العملى المصاحب للمحاضرة و آخر يؤكد على تفاعل الطالب معها, و أعدت الباحثة أيضا محاضرة خاصة بالجزء النظرى لمقرر المناظر الخلوية، كمثال يؤكد على قابلية النموذج المقترح للتطبيق. English Abstract: University education is one of the basic pillars on which the development of any society is based, because it is concerned with the preparation of specialized competencies and the quality of university education, so far as we guarantee the quality of these competencies in various fields of life, Therefore, there is a need to follow the strategic planning approach, which is what qualifies us to develop a vision for our future direction and then determines the plan and methods of work. Therefore, strategic planning of teaching methods ensures the quality of education and links the curriculum with the strengthening of the logical connection between its contents, such as the relationship between the theoretical and practical aspects of the same specialization in Practical colleges. Teaching as any profession requires knowledge and art, knowledge of the fundamentals of the scientific material, the psychology of learning and the nature of the learner, and the art of choosing the appropriate method of the subject in the light of the desired goal in accordance with the nature of the learner. Therefore, the researcher presented a proposed form that includes specific items that must be met by the faculty member when delivering the theoretical lecture related to the practical project so that it is written in full in the form and accompanied by the papers representing the witness on the interaction of the student with the lecture. The researcher will also present a full lecture as an example in the proposed form. Therefore, the current research aims to: - Defining a form for the theoretical part of practical courses - Ensure student interaction with the lecture accompanying the practical project - Using the expertise of teaching staff in the same specialization - Ensure coherence between the theoretical and practical aspects of the same specialization in practical colleges - Add a special character to the lecturer in practical courses

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