
Рассмотрены особенности практического применения Методики оценки возможности использования спринклерных АУП, входящей в состав СП 485.1311500.2020 (приложение В). Методика позволяет: выявлять вероятную причину неэффективной работы спринклерной автоматической установки пожаротушения (активировалась при пожаре, но не выполнила свои функции); проводить экспертизу ранее спроектированной и смонтированной автоматической установки пожаротушения для оценки возможности ее эффективной работы при пожаре в защищаемом помещении; давать рекомендации проектировщику спринклерной автоматической установки пожаротушения по выбору способа активации при пожаре - от теплового разрушения запирающей колбы или по сигналу от дифференциального теплового извещателя. Приведены примеры применения Методики. The prerequisite for writing this article were cases when automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems (ASFES) triggered during a fire in a room, but did not perform their functions - as the sprinklers with locking flasks were activated, the fire continued anyway. At the same time, the subsequent analysis revealed no violations either during the design of the ASFES in accordance with SP 5.13130.2013, or during the installation of the ASFES, or during the maintenance of the ASFES. The reason for the ineffective operation of the ASFES turned out to be the following. The height H of the rooms protected by the ASFES was so high that convective flows from burning products, rising up, cooled to a temperature insufficient for timely sprinkler activation. They were activated belatedly when the fire area was already larger than the area protected by the sprinkler. The fire area increased and the ASFES sprinklers continued to be activated by the "domino effect". As a result, ASFES could not fulfil its main function - to suppress burning in a timely manner. Understanding of such a process led to the need to develop a special "Methodology for assessing the possibility of using ASFES", which was issued in the form of Appendix B to SP 485.1311500.2020 "SPP. Fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Norms and rules of design". In Appendix B there were used mathematical expressions to solve the following tasks: a) to identify the probable cause that the sprinkler ASFES worked in a fire but did not perform its functions; b) to carry out an examination of the previously designed and installed ASFES for the purpose of assessing the possibility of its effective operation in case of a fire in the protected room; c) to give recommendations to the designer on the choice of the method of switching on the sprinkler ASFES in case of fire. However, the limited volume of SP 485.1311500.2020 did not allow to give examples of calculations in Appendix B, which made it difficult to use Appendix B. The purpose of this article is to maximize the ease of application of Appendix B to SP 485.1311500.2020 by providing computational examples of solving problems "a-b" and thereby ensuring the design of effective sprinkler ASFES.

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