
The purpose of the article is to make an attempt to determine the appropri- ate methodological tools for historical research of the participation of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014-2018. Th e research methodology is based on a set of methodological principles for the use of methods in historical research. In particular, the use of a multi-level methodology: a combination of empirical research methods, methods of the theory of knowledge and general logical research methods and techniques (analy- sis, synthesis, generalization, systematic approach, inductive and deductive methods, etc.) The scientifi c novelty. It is noted that as of today, only a small number of scholars have addressed the problems of a purely methodological nature of the study of this topic in their works. Th e au- thor identifi es the most appropriate methods of historical science: historical; historical-genetic; historical-legal; periodization; comparative-historical; historical-typologi cal; retrospective. Th e Conclusion. It is established that the correct choice of the most appropriate approaches and methods of historical research will contribute to solving scientifi c problems of: clarifying the place and role of the State Border Guard Service among other institutions of the security and defense sector during the armed confl ict; systematizing the combat experience of border guards; identifying characteristic factors and their impact on the socio-political situation in the border regions of Ukraine; studying the tasks of the State Border Guard Service in countering threats on the Ukrainian-Russian section of the state border in the period 2014-2018; establishing the peculiarities of organizing the service of border guard units while protecting the demarcation line within Donetsk and Luhansk regions; developing practical recommendations for improving the activities of the State Border Guard Service to ensure its readiness to protect the restored state border of Ukraine, which existed as of 2014.

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