
The article deals with the problems of organizing the work of river transport on small rivers of the Tyumen region in 19601964. One of the most important sources of information was the reporting documents on the work of transport. The first steps aimed at improving the transport supply on small rivers at the beginning of the oil and gas development of Western Siberia are analyzed. It characterizes the composition of cargo, the redistribution of the fleet in the process of work, interdepartmental disputes and ways to resolve them, provides statistics on traffic volumes, as well as other specific aspects of work on small rivers. Among the constantly arising problems is the lack of staff and turnover, which had to be solved when planning navigation. Attention is drawn to the fact that, despite the low level of mechanization of the river economy, there was a well-functioning connection between the river departments and design bureaus of the Ministry of the river fleet. It is noted that the initial period of the development of river highways took place through a qualitative and quantitative increase in labor productivity. The importance of intensive preparation of river routes in 19601964 is noted. It is indicated that during the period under review, a qualitative step forward was made, which subsequently made it possible to gain a rapid pace of development of Western Siberia.


  • The article deals with the problems of organizing the work

  • The first steps aimed at improving the transport supply on small rivers

  • It characterizes the composition of cargo

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Авторы уделяли внимание проблемам развития речного транспорта в целом, а также техническим аспектам функционирования судов различных типов [1, с. Что размеры перевозок по малым рекам в сравнении с общими по пароходству были невелики, как поначалу и количество транспортных маршрутов, организация перевозок на притоках Оби и Иртыша требовала особого внимания.

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