
The purpose of the proposed publication is to involve in the scientifi c circulation of archival documents signed by diplomat Jan Tokarzhevsky-Karashevych (1885–1954), who in 1920–1921 held the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Ukrainian People’s Republic to Turkey. The documents are stored in the Central State Archive of the highest authorities and administration of Ukraine (TsDAVO of Ukraine) and refl ect the fi nancial support of the UPR embassy in the Ottoman Empire in 1920–1921. Research methodology: applied a set of special and general scientifi c methods (systematization of scientifi c and periodical literature, archival documents; comparative analysis; historical-genetic, historical-typological, historical-retrospective, hermeneutic, historical-comparative, problem-chronological, ideographic methods). Scientifi c novelty: new historical sources from the fund 3696 «Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian People’s Republic» are introduced into scientifi c circulation (description 2, case 239 «Staffs and fi nancial reports of the Embassy of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Turkey and correspondence with him about money matters»). TsDAVO of Ukraine to the history of diplomacy of the period of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921; the focus is on the mission’s fi nancial issues, which needed to be addressed urgently during the 1920–1921. Prospects for further research: for a more detailed study of the issue of fi nancial support of diplomatic missions of the UPR in the days of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921, it is necessary to identify and involve other archival documents. Conclusions. The discovery and publication of archival documents stored in the Central State Archives of Ukraine allowed to refl ect the fi nancial support of the UPR embassy in the Ottoman Empire and the proposed ways to improve it by diplomat J. Tokarzhevsky-Karashevych.

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