
Examined is the problem of modernization of vocational training system, that experience does not exclude reference to the historical past, since interesting experience in solving various problems and tasks can be used at present. The analysis of archival sources allows to trace exactly, how the process of formation of vocational training system at its initial stages took place and to get an understanding of what factors influenced it. This article presents the periodization of specialists’ training in the system of secondary and higher professional education from 1917 up to 1961 years. The first period 1917–1945 presents development of a net of secondary and higher training system institutions under new socio-economic conditions and establishment of new types of institutions. The second period from 1945 up to beginning of the 1960 years shows development of a centralized personnel training system, its improvement based on principles of statehood, centralization, consistency and efficiency. The choice of the territorial framework is due to the fact, that the Volga region is a central region of Russia, particularities of the development of vocational training system in which are typical for other regions of our country. The choice of chronological period is explained by the fact, that in the period from 1917 up to 1961 years the traditional specialists’ training system started to form in our country and was finally completed.

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