
The modernity of the economic space offers us new opportunities for a thorough study of a person, his beha­ vior and development prospects, faced with a multi-vector, interdisciplinary phenomenon – social capital, which opens up the necessary opportunities for study and application, combining the foundations of theory and practice of almost all areas of the scientific space: economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc. During the study of social capital as an economic category and determining its role in the development of a modern developed state, specific features and directions of development in modern living conditions are outlined and the need for further research of the sectoral level, which determines the main direc- tions of social capital formation, is actualized. There are many questions to the economic direction, starting with the definition, the theoretical basis to practical applications in state and economic structures. The European integration direction of the coun- try’s state policy aims all socio-economic spheres of formation and development to the study and application of a new concept of economic science, social capital, especially civil servants, whose role is raised by the state rating, public trust in government and business, develops technical innovation and highlights the way to overcome the crisis and the future. The main provisions of this study will be further used in the process of development and discussions on the formation of theoretical provisions and models of social capital development of civil servants in Ukraine. Over the past decade, scientists have begun to pay attention to the socio-economic components and its significant impact on the development of civil society and the standard of living of the population. The importance of the topic and the practical application of information began to be widely raised in scientific circles, when the realization of the need to study and establish the health of civic life came. Solving social problems at the urban level turned out to be quite productive, which made it possible for social institutions to move to a wider level of work.

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