
The article proposes an analysis of the experience of studying the use of electromagnetic stimulation of spring crops (on the example of barley) in a complex effect with pre-sowing treatment with biologically active preparations Gumi, Fitosporin, Albit, Dividend Star. According to the results of the research, it was found that there was an increase in the yield of barley when its crops were placed on the tilled predecessor (potatoes). At the same time, the most effective options for pre-sowing treatment against the background of various predecessors turned out to be with the use of the Gumi preparation in its pure form and in combination with a magnetic field gradient. The increase in yield in this variant of the experiment was up to 7 centners per hectare or 21%, which is 1.2% higher than the values of these variants placed on barley and spring rapeseed. The electromagnetic effect is explained by the magnetomechanical interaction of electromagnetic fields with the molecules of living tissues. Keywords: GRADIENT MAGNETIC FIELD, ELECTROMAGNETIC STIMULATION, BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PREPARATIONS, BARLEY, SEED PRE-SOWING TREATMENT, YIELD

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