
The article is devoted to the non-fiction book Out of the Fire. The authors had an extraordinary task to record the memory of civilians about the Second World War in Belarus. The methods of work of the authors with the respondents (search for witnesses, ways to establish contact, important points of interviewing witnesses) are analyzed. At the beginning of the article, the difficulties that the authors encountered in the process of working with people who survived mass executions are described. The style of the work is considered, attention is paid to journalistic and documentary elements. The structure of the book and the ways of its organization are also studied. The article explores how the experience of war victims and the concept of a fiery village are reflected in the work. A significant part of the article is devoted to the psychological reactions of civilians who survived extreme events in terms of cruelty. Out of the Fire is a topical and remarkable book about the suffering of civilians in war with a strong anti-war message. The experience of the authors in collecting materials, methods of working with respondents can be useful to modern documentary authors.

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