
The article presents the results of research on the influence of the feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood in rats under condition of tetrachloromethane poisoning. In our work, we used the classic model of damage to hepatocyte subcellular membranes and the development of oxidative stress based on the use of tetrachloromethane. The research was carried out on white, sexually-mature, young male rats of the Wistar line, with a body weight of 180–200 g, which was kept on a standard ration of the Institute Vivarium of the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Preparations and Feed Additives. The animals were divided into three groups of 20 animals in each: 1st group (C) intact animals; Group 2 (R1) – rats, affected with tetrachloromethane; Group 3 (R2) – rats, affected with tetrachloromethane and who received the feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus”. Experimental intoxication of animals was carried out by two-time (after 48 h) of intragastric introduction of tetrachloromethane in a dose of 0.1 ml per 100 g of body weight of the rat in the form of 50% of the oil solution. In the being studied group R2 for experimental toxicosis, during 30 days fed a feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” in a dose of 0.1 g per 100 g of body weight with food. The feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” in its composition contains the fruits of blessed milk thistle (S. marianum), selenium, methionine and vitamins A, E and D3. It was established that under conditions of intoxication with tetrachloromethane the physiological level of hematological indices of the organism of the being studied animals is violated. This is indicated by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin content, hemoglobin concentration in erythrocyte, increase in the number of leukocytes and hemoglobin in erythrocyte. At intoxicated animals also remained high indicative levels of creatinine, urea and bilirubin overall. On the basis of the conducted research, the positive influence of the feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” on the organism of rats that were intoxicated with tetrachloromethane was shown, which is manifested by the normalization of hematological parameters and functional state of the liver.


  • The article presents the results of research on the influence of the feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood in rats under condition of tetrachloromethane poisoning

  • Дослідній групі Д2 за експериментального токсикозу протягом 30 діб згодовували кормову добавку “Бутаселмевіт-плюс” у дозі 0,1 г на 100 г маси тіла разом із кормом

  • Згодовування щурам кормової добавки “Бутаселмевіт-плюс” за розвитку оксидаційного стресу сприяло нормалізації гематологічних показників і функціонального стану печінки

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The article presents the results of research on the influence of the feed additive “Butaselmevit Plus” on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood in rats under condition of tetrachloromethane poisoning. Вплив кормової добавки “Бутаселмевіт-плюс” на показники крові щурів за умов отруєння тетрахлорметаном Вивчений вплив кормової добавки “Бутаселмевіт-плюс” на морфологічні та біохімічні показники крові щурів на тлі отруєння тетрахлорметаном. На основі проведених досліджень встановлено позитивну дію кормової добавки “Бутаселмевіт-плюс” на організм щурів, які були інтоксиковані тетрахлорметаном, що проявляється нормалізацією гематологічних показників та функціонального стану печінки.


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