
Main issue. The Modernization of education is stimulated by social order, and therefore sets new requirements for the level of training of graduates of higher instititutions. But the system of common (integrated) education field in higher military institutions based on the development of education information network for military specialists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has not yet been created.Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the main tasks for informatization of education and methods of realization; the main general tendencies and course of information technologies implementation into the military education are considered/discussed The relevance of information preparation in the military specialists training system is considered.Methods of research. Analysis, synthesis, modeling, traditional teaching methods, generalization method. Results. The argumentation of own corporate information and telecommunication network development for military education system with access to the global Internet, which may solve the issues of operational management and provide the quality of military specialists training of educational level of qualification based on the application of the newest information methods and forms of education. Further research will be devoted. Originality. In the article the author replied to the question about the informatization of military education and considered the main directions of its development, analyzed the means of information technologies and their influence on the educational process. He substantiated the creation of a computer network of higher military educational institutions.Conclusion. Dynamic development of computer and communication technologies has identified one of the most significant features of the present - the formation of an information society characterized by global processes of informatization of all spheres of public life, in particular, the educational sphere. One of the prior directions of modernization in this area is the implementation of information and communication technologies, which ensure the restructuring of the educational process in higher military educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

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