
This article deals with the prospects, possible risks and threats of deep and comprehensive free trade area («FTA+») between Ukraine and the EU. Features of foreign economic activity of Ukraine within the framework of FTA with the CIS are also considered in the article. A detailed analysis of the foreign trade statement and regional pattern of exports and imports of Ukraine is presented for the last few years. The key difference between «FTA+» with the EU and classic free trade areas is determined. Risks of the external economic collaboration of Ukraine with the European countries are described after intensifying of the conflict between Ukraine and Russian Federation. Reasons of suspension of the Free trade agreement between Russia and Ukraine are marked. It operated within the framework of FTA with the CIS, trade and economic collaboration between the countries until the abolition of a free trade with Ukraine by Russian Federation. The consequences of the European technical and phytosanitary standards, substantial diminishing of export and import duties and measures related to the preparation of internal market to «FTA+» are analysed for Ukraine. The form of «FTA+» is found out, which foresees the reduction and liquidation of trade barriers within the framework of a free trade regime. It doesn’t deal only with liberalization of bilateral commodity trade but such spheres, as: trade in services, regime of foreign direct investment, public purchasing and labour force movement. The form of «FTA+» also foresees a wide adaptation program of economic and sectoral legislation of Ukraine to the norms and standards of the EU that will allow removing of nontariff barriers for domestic exports to internal market of the EU.


  • This article deals with the prospects, possible risks and threats of deep and comprehensive free trade area («FTA+») between Ukraine and the EU

  • A detailed analysis of the foreign trade statement and regional pattern of exports and imports of Ukraine is presented for the last few years

  • Risks of the external economic collaboration of Ukraine with the European countries are described after intensifying of the conflict between Ukraine and Russian Federation

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ЗОВНІШНЬОТОРГОВЕЛЬНА ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ УКРАЇНИ В РАМКАХ ПІДПИСАННЯ «ЗВТ+» З КРАЇНАМИ ЄС ТА ЗВТ СНД У статті розглянуто перспективи, можливі ризики та загрози поглибленої і всеосяжної угоди про вільну торгівлю («ЗВТ+») між Україною та країнами ЄС і особливості зовнішньоторговельної діяльності України в рамках ЗВТ з країнами СНД. Визначено ключову відмінність «ЗВТ+» з країнами ЄС від класичних зон вільної торгівлі та ризики для зовнішньоекономічного співробітництва України з Європейськими країнами внаслідок загострення українсько-російського конфлікту.

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