
The article explores the problem of the relationship between the educational motivation of future food professionals and their willingness to perform their professional duties qualitatively. In the course of the research, the approaches in determining modern vocational motivation, existing in modern literature, were summarized, difficulties were identified on the basis of the questionnaire, as well as the conditions and main directions of pedagogical support for the development of motivation of the students of vocational education.It is revealed that a modern graduate of a vocational education institution should not only possess special knowledge, skills and competences, but also be motivated, feel the need for achievement and success in training and in the workplace, be aware of its demand in the labor market. For this purpose it is important to constantly instill in the students an interest for learning, independent acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, continuous self-education in the specialty.It is determined that vocational motivation is the action of specific motivations that determine the choice of profession and the long-term fulfillment of the duties associated with the profession. It is formed under the influence of external factors of environmental reality (an educational and professional environment) and career guidance.The conducted research confirms that the state of expression of educational and professional motivation of future food technologists depends on how students adequately evaluate, correlate their educational activities with real opportunities and level of aspirations, as well as on the external influence of educational and professional environment.

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