
The use of educational technology, namely the educational trajectory, is considered on the example of the educational process at the Vladivostok Shipbuilding College in the specialty “Installation and maintenance of ship machinery and mechanisms”. This pedagogical technology is used throughout the entire training program for the training of a mid-level specialist in project activities, which completes each stage of training. During the entire period of four-year training, the future specialist studies various subjects, academic disciplines and professional modules. As part of the training, individual, course and diploma projects and works are used as the final stage of their development. The totality of all projects can be built into a single, but individual educational trajectory, which allows for training from the academic discipline “Introduction to the specialty” to the defense of the final qualifying work. The use of this pedagogical technology has made it possible to build a system of training middle-level specialists in such a way that a student can independently determine the vector of further development of both a specialist and a personality. The assessment of the application of this pedagogical technology based on the results of the state certification of students for a five-year period is presented. The results of the analysis of statistical data indicate the positive dynamics of the results of the protection of final qualification works, and also reveal the features of the results at key points. In general, the pedagogical technology under consideration has determined the possibilities of improving the methodological, material, technical, scientific base for the training of a mid-level specialist on the basis of the Vladivostok Shipbuilding College.

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