
Intensive studies of neurophysiological correlates of creativity in recent years have revealed the association between resting brain activity (including DMN activity - default mode network) and indicators of creativity. However, the specific components of such activity, which determine high scores of verbal or non-verbal creativity, and the importance of intellectual abilities for the successful solution of experimental creative tasks are not yet clear. The balance of the resting activity in the frontal and parietal cortex may reflect the individual styles of problem solving; cortical oscillations in different frequency are considered as indicators of this balance. In this regard, we carried out an analysis of the frequency-spatial organization of the EEG at rest, which revealed differences in the power of delta, theta, alpha 2 and beta 2 rhythms in the groups differentiated by the originality of responses when testing verbal and figurative creativity. Higher creative abilities correspond to higher values ​​of power of the low-frequency biopotentials in the anterior cortex together with a decrease of the alpha power in the posterior cortex. The pre-tuning of the activity of the cortex to verbal originality is manifested mainly in the temporal and central-parietal areas of the cortex, and to the figurative - for the parietal-occipital. The contribution of the visual-spatial component of intelligence to the changes in cortical activity associated with figurative creativity is presented to a greater extent at the frequency of the delta and alpha 2 rhythms, and the contribution of the verbal component of intelligence to the pre-tuning of the neural systems of the cortex for verbal creativity - at the frequency of the theta and beta 2 ranges. Consequently, the analysis of the frequency-spatial organization of the activity of the cerebral cortex can be a useful tool for identifying the effects of intellectual abilities and emotional-motivational regulation in forming different strategies for achieving a high level of creativity.

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