
The paper analyzes the current state of financial and budgetary relations and their impact on the development of the region in conditions of external threats and internal instability, and defines the prospects for ensuring the regulation of social and economic processes in the region by financial and budgetary means. The importance of the formation of a modern conceptual and categorical apparatus of financial and budgetary relations for the development of the region based on the principles of the resource-activity approach is substantiated. Directions for improving the regulatory and legal basis for ensuring financial and budgetary relations for the development of the region are proposed, which will allow solving certain problems in the system of budgetary relations. It is noted that the implementation of foreign experience in regulating social and economic processes in the region by financial and budgetary means is designed to ensure a flexible response to external threats and overcome the consequences of internal instability. It is emphasized that an objective assessment of the level of socio-economic development of the region is a key indicator of the effectiveness of central authorities and local self-government. It is advisable to use a systematic approach to the comprehensive assessment of the level of socio-economic development of the region by components, which will allow to create a scientific basis for the effective distribution of budget funds within the framework of the implementation of goals, strategies and programs of sustainable development at both the national and regional levels. An important aspect of the research is the formation of an approach to the diagnosis of the influence of budget expenditures on the indicators of the development of the region in the aspect of an activity-logistics approach using economic and mathematical tools. The principles of forming the mechanism of financial-budgetary relations in ensuring the development of the region in the context of the activity-logistics approach based on the optimal distribution of budget funds when applying activity-logistics principles and evaluating their effectiveness are determined.

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