
The author emphasizes that ongoing global changes in society, new directions of sociocultural development have led to the necessity of making changes in requirements of the quality of education on every level. It is noted that these new requirements imply not only pupils’ subject knowledge development but also their metasubject and personal competence formation. Educational institutions faced difficulties while establishing educational process in accordance with the introduced state directions. The author comes to the conclusion that in search of the solution, educational institutions started to form networks and communities that let integrate both resources and abilities to succeed in fulfilling of the tasks given by the government. The concept of a “service state” is considered; principles of service activities of educational institutions are defined; client focus of educational institutions is reviewed; the main provisions of the network interaction of educational institutions are presented; regulatory acts, projects in which the network interaction in the field of education is fixed are analyzed; an independent assessment of the quality of education is given; educational institutions that occupy leading places in the opinion of service consumers about network interaction, taking into account the focus on the need of direct service consumers are considered. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, interviewing. The result of the study was a network interaction project taking into account the focus on service by the Humanitarian Lyceum in Tomsk and Tomsk State University.


  • Аннотаци: Автор палăртнă тăрăх, обществăра пулса иртекен тĕнче пĕлтерĕшлĕ улшăнусем, халăх культуринче вăй илекен çĕнĕ юхăмсем вĕренĕвĕн пахалăхне ÿстерме ыйтакан çĕнĕ хушу кăларса тăратрĕç

  • Содержание концепции «сервисного государства» было описано пятью основными принципами [5]: 1) открытое правительство; 2) ограничение центрального аппарата правительства и ужесточение контроля за его решениями; 3) разрушение государственной монополии на предоставление публичных услуг «в пользу» негосударственных организаций; 4) цифровизация государственного управления; 5) инновации в государственном управлении

  • По результатам данного опроса с учетом запроса участников образовательного процесса был разработан проект, целью которого является формирование культуры проектной и исследовательской деятельности учащихся посредством организации тьюторского сопровождения в процессе взаимодействия учреждений общего среднего и высшего образования

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Аннотаци: Автор палăртнă тăрăх, обществăра пулса иртекен тĕнче пĕлтерĕшлĕ улшăнусем, халăх культуринче вăй илекен çĕнĕ юхăмсем вĕренĕвĕн пахалăхне ÿстерме ыйтакан çĕнĕ хушу кăларса тăратрĕç. Вĕренӳ учрежденийĕсем «сервис» концепцийĕн талккăшĕнче тетел çыхăнăвне кĕни (Томск облаçĕн тĕслĕхĕ тăрăх) При этом получение образовательных услуг не является гарантом того, что потребитель этой услуги будет использовать полученные результаты в своей профессиональной деятельности.

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