
The relevance of the presented research is justified by the need for scientific and practical understanding of the dramatic changes in the structure of the Russian consumer market that we are currently observing. From a managerial point of view, the "exodus" of a significant number of European and American brands, as well as the subsequent trend towards the "return" of some of them, is a non-trivial task for management scientists and practitioners. Business conditions are radically changing, which requires informed decisions about which operating models will be most suitable in the short and medium term, taking into account the government measures being introduced to support Russian business, changes in consumer preferences, the competitive environment and many other factors. The described processes take place in conditions of "tearing" supply chains and powerful transformational processes in the field of supply chain management in general, and handling of customer orders (otherwise, fulfillment) in particular. The study conducted by the authors aims to determine the range of key factors contributing to the resumption of retail operations, to describe the key parameters and limitations that the returning business will face, as well as to form a proposal for the likely scenarios for the resumption of IKEA retail operations in Russia. The study is based on the analysis of a standardized interview of a group of management experts directly related to the retail operations of the specified company. The authors present a potential model for ensuring brand operations in Russia in "new" conditions, and also identify its main limitations.

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