
This article substantiates the necessity to teach rhetoric as a professionally oriented discipline at the law university as this discipline is aimed at improving communication skills of future lawyers. The analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard on juridical branches proves that a future lawyer must have not only juridical skills but rhetorical ones which are realized on speech basis. This fact demands the detailed description of rhetoric role in the process of future specialist’s communicative competence formation and the complete explanation of the strategies and methods for achieving the expected results. The scientific novelty of the study consists in characterizing the ways of the formation of professional communicative skills in the course of rhetoric at the law faculty by the example of the topic ‘Argumentation’. As a result, the necessity of using the competence-based approach when teaching rhetorical argumentation at the law faculty of a university is substantiated; the author identified the argumentation aspects which should be learned by all the future lawyers and the argumentation aspects which are relevant for studying by the students of some special legal profile.

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