
All field experiments were conducted by us for three years 2019...2021. Production verification of the results and implementation was carried out in 2020...2021. To establish the influence of technological methods on the productivity of domestic corn hybrids for grain purposes during irrigation in the dry steppe, field experiments were laid to study irrigation and water consumption regimes, the use and effectiveness of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers for a given crop. The following hybrids were selected as research objects: POCC-209 MB and Volga 89 MB (control). The experiments were laid down according to the methodology of the field experience of B.A. Dospekhov and recommendations for conducting field experiments with corn (Falev D.S. et al., 1980). The repeatability of the experiment is fourfold. Plots were arranged sequentially, with systematic placement of options. The method of split plots was used. The total area of the plot is 1120 m2, the account is 250 m2. The mineral fertilizers used in the experiments were calculated taking into account the fertility of chestnut soils and the planned yield of corn grain at the level of 8 and 11 t/ha. According to the fertilized variants N140P107K97, the irrigation regime is 60...70...60% HB, the yield of corn grain is within 8.91...9.84 t/ha. At a dose of N160P156K134, grain yield was slightly higher and amounted to 9.32...12.27 t/ha, depending on the weather conditions of the growing season. Yield under irrigation regime 70...80...70 % The HB on fertilized variants at a dose of N140P107K97 was 9.73...11.85 t/ha, and at a dose of N160P156K134, the yield ranged from 10.49...13'84 t/ha.

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