
The purpose of the work is the development of algorithms and information tools to increase the reliability of istribution electric networks and improve the quality of electricity supply of industrial and civil objects due to decentralized Electricity generation. Today, for the energy security of Ukraine, the energy sector is moving from a purely centralized model of electricity supply to consumers, the basis of which are powerful TPPs and nuclear power plants, to a combined one, when part of the electricity is produced by decentralized generation in RES sources of electricity. By distributed generation (RG) we understand sources of electric energy connected directly to the distribution network or connected to such a network from the side of electricity consumers. The wide spread of distributed generation is primarily associated with the appearance of highly efficient gas turbine and steam-gas plants and the development of renewable sources of electricity. Among them, wind power plants (SPP) and direct conversion solar power plants (SPP) have become the most widespread. The introduction of RG in electrical networks, especially built on the basis of renewable energy sources (RES), in addition to reducing the ecological burden on the environment and solving many problems associated with waste emissions during the production of electricity, will allow, firstly, to significantly increase the efficiency of the use of primary resources and , in the future, to reduce the cost of electricity; secondly, it will unload both the system-forming and trunk and distribution electric networks. However, this process has both positive and negative consequences for the functioning of RES. The integration of RES into the electric power system is complicated by the fact that the existing RES were designed and operated with a focus on centralized power supply. The growth of the share of RES in the total balance of electricity generates new problems and tasks that are not typical for the past period. They are connected, first of all, with the instability of RES generation due to their natural dependence on the influence of the environment.

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