
The topicality of creating value environment of higher educational institutions as a condition for personal and professional growth of future educators in preschool education is substantiated in the article. The significance of the problem is argued by the Law of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», by the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine at the first (bachelor's) level of specialty 012 – Preschool Education, by scientific works of teachers and psychologists. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the author's research in the problem of development of the personal and motivational components for the readiness of higher education students in specialty 012 – Preschool Education to the development of benevolence in children of senior preschool age. The peculiarities of implementation of various forms and methods of work are revealed, namely trainings «Goodness begins with you», «Benevolent teacher – benevolent children», «How do we perceive ourselves?», «Road to ourselves as a teacher», «Benevolent communication – the basis of humanity», «Doing good together»; volunteer activities «There's no such thing as other people's children», «Random acts of kindness day», «Being a good Angel for a week» etc.; extracurricular communication (consultations, excursions, travels, leisure activities); keeping diaries in the context of developing your practice of self-awareness; drawing up a program of self-improvement «I am a benevolent person»; organizing of joint activities of students and teachers. Emphasis is placed on the fact that emotional well-being in the process of obtaining higher education is a prerequisite for personal development, the key to the success in educational activities and professional development of future professionals. It is concluded that the above mentioned forms and methods of work contribute to the development of benevolent relationships and value orientations of participants in the educational process which is a determining factor in preparing future educators to development of benevolence in senior preschool children. The substantiation of pedagogical principles of personal and professional self-improvement is considered as a promising area of scientific research as well as continuous self-education of future educators of preschool education.

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