
The article reveals in particular the management of innovative and educational activities of applicants for higher education. Indeed, in the framework of the innovation strategy of the institution of higher education, the role of the teacher as a direct participant in all transformations increases substantially. His innovative activity becomes an obligatory component of his personal pedagogical system and acquires a research character. This implies the teacher's reassessment of his professional activities, going beyond the traditional performing activities and changing it to problem-searching, reflexive-analytical, which meets the needs of society and creates conditions for self-improvement of the individual. In the pedagogical team, there is a growing need for new pedagogical knowledge, a change in the educational and social functions of the teacher. To increase this activity, it is necessary to find incentive mechanisms, that is, to increase the motivation to update the education system of students through the inclusion of specialists in innovative activities. The head of an institution of higher education needs to build the whole process so that teachers, having completed the introduction of one innovation and will translate it into daily routine work, strive for a new one. But no less important is the willingness of the leader to innovate. Speaking about innovation, we need to remember, first of all, about safety for students, since among the many factors that influence the indicators of health and morbidity, factors of the educational environment are up to 30%. These risk factors can be attributed to the complications of educational standards, leading to an overload of students, an increase in working hours with computers with non-observance of hygienic requirements, social and economic living conditions. Today it is not enough to give pupils systematized knowledge, relevant skills and abilities necessary for their further successful training in a higher education institution. It is equally important to teach them to set and achieve goals, to act outside the box. And for this you need a new teacher who is able to think creatively, to use non-standard approaches in teaching, to rapidly develop, to take innovations for granted. Its development implies an irreversible, directed, regular change in motivation, that is, the totality of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set its boundaries, forms, give it direction, focused on achieving certain goals. As well as an understanding of the need for qualitative changes in value orientations, goals, conditions, content, means and methods, forms of organizing educational, managerial and other processes, socio-psychological structure, thanks to which the teacher acquires the ability to achieve higher than previously results education. This process is implemented through the active development of innovation.


  • Сучасна соціально-економічна ситуація, що склалася в нашій країні, потребує змістовних змін у всіх сферах суспільного життя, в тому числі і в освіті.


  • Одним із шляхів підвищення ефективності управління закладом вищої освіти є впровадження у практику інновацій.

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Сучасна соціально-економічна ситуація, що склалася в нашій країні, потребує змістовних змін у всіх сферах суспільного життя, в тому числі і в освіті. СУТНІСТЬ УПРАВЛІННЯ ІННОВАЦІЙНО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЮ ДІЯЛЬНІСТЮ ЗДОБУВАЧІВ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ СПЕЦІАЛЬНОСТІ Одним із шляхів підвищення ефективності управління закладом вищої освіти є впровадження у практику інновацій.

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