
Advice, laws, commandments of the Bible determine the existence of human life. They are the methodological basis of the educational process. The books of the Bible contain information about the creation of light, the atmosphere, land and oceans, the biosphere and man, about the connections and relationships between man, society and nature. It is suggested to study the books of the Bible from scientific research and educational positions. Has no scientific law or dogma that cannot be found directly or indirectly in the scriptures of the Bible. On the basis of many years of experience in teaching physical geography, four successive stages of formation of students’ outlook on the problems of interaction of society, man and nature and the concept of the noosphere in the process of studying geographical disciplines from the 1st to the 5th courses have been established: education, geographic, theoretical and philosophical. According to the results of the analysis of the teachings of V. I. Vernadskyi and modern science about the biosphere and noosphere, about the solar-terrestrial connections of inert and living matter and the origin and evolution of living matter and the biosphere, it was established that the noosphere is essentially the spiritual sphere of the mental activity of every person and humanity as a whole in the space-time continuum. The noosphere is the spiritual part of the biosphere, it is born and exists together with the birth and existence of man and humanity, and after biological death it ceases to exist in the material system of the biosphere and passes to the spiritual level of existence, beyond the dimensions of our material worldview. All natural and social phenomena and processes are controlled by the spiritual sphere, which includes the sphere of the human mind – the noosphere. Earth’s shells and biosphere were created for human life and activities with all the necessary spaceplanetary ecological conditions.

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