
The article actualizes the problem of music-theoretical training in higher educational institutions, reveals the pedagogical potential of music-theoretical disciplines, explores the methodological aspects of optimizing the process of music-theoretical training on the basis of an integrated approach. research analysis revealed the pedagogical potential of music-theoretical training for the professional development of future music teachers, multifaceted opportunities of music-theoretical disciplines, demonstrated the versatility of music-theoretical training (cognitive-informational, practical, creative, projective functions), proved the need for its focus on music -creative activity, which consists of various types (instrumental-performing, conductor-choral, improvisational-creative, research, lecture-educational, compositional and others) and affects the comprehensive disclosure and practical implementation of the creative potential of students of higher art educational institutions. The current stage of development of national education is characterized by the actualization of the role of art disciplines during the professional development of the personality of the future teacher of music art. Music-theoretical training is the basis of the process of formation of professional competencies of future music teachers. The problem of raising the level of professionalism of future music teachers largely depends on music-theoretical training aimed at various types of music-creative activities that are important for the training of students of higher art schools. Thus, the analysis of research revealed the pedagogical potential of music-theoretical training for the professional development of future music teachers, multifaceted possibilities of music-theoretical disciplines, demonstrated the versatility of music-theoretical training (cognitive-informational, practical, creative, projective functions), proved the need for its direction on musical and creative activity, which consists of different types (instrumental-performing, conducting-choral, improvisational-creative, research, lecture-educational, compositional and others) and influences the comprehensive disclosure and practical implementation of the creative potential of students of higher art education institutions.

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