
Modern environmental requirements for reclamation systems prioritize the reduction of the negative impact of irrigation on the environment. In the complex of various reclamation measures, an important role in solving these problems is played by the development and improvement of fundamentally new technical means and methods of irrigation. In the field of irrigated agriculture, this is reflected in the use and improvement of sprinkler machines and stationary installations that operate at reduced heads and comply with environmental safety requirements. At present, at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, great importance is attached to the choice of environmentally friendly and cost-effective technologies and technical means of irrigation. Drip irrigation and K.O. + MDD have an advantage over sprinkler irrigation in many economic indicators. Calculations show that in the long term, due to more economically beneficial technical solutions when creating a system, it is possible to reduce the amount of capital investment, and its widespread use in production will reduce maintenance costs. An analysis of research from an ecological and economic standpoint showed that in agricultural production it is necessary to master low-volume irrigation systems, which include drip, subsurface aerosol irrigation, as well as their combination or combination with other irrigation methods. Sprinkler irrigation technologies, which are most widespread in developed countries, should be aimed at reducing the intensity of rain drops, to preserve the fertile soil layer and protect plants, and, most importantly, to conserve energy and water resources.

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